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MyClean: +21% ROAS is a professional cleaning service provider offering residential and commercial cleaning services in NYC and Chicago. Although they had a growing user base of satisfied customers, their ROAS limited their ability to scale their PPC efforts. Through a combination of ad copy and creative optimization along with an overhaul of the targeted landing pages, we were able to reduce their customer acquisition costs and increase their ROAS significantly.

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The primary goal was to improve the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) for by optimizing their Google Ads campaigns, ensuring that ad spend was being used efficiently to generate more revenue.


  1. High Cost per Acquisition (CPA): faced a relatively high CPA, which was impacting overall profitability despite a consistent flow of leads.
  2. Inefficient Keyword Targeting: The existing Google Ads campaigns were targeting a broad range of keywords, some of which were low-performing and not driving conversions.
  3. Ad Fatigue: Some ad creatives had been running for an extended period, leading to reduced engagement and click-through rates (CTR).


1. Comprehensive Audit and Analysis

  • Campaign Audit: The first step was a thorough audit of the existing Google Ads campaigns to identify areas of inefficiency. This included analyzing keyword performance, ad copy, landing page relevance, and bidding strategies.
  • Competitor Benchmarking: The team conducted competitor analysis to understand how's ads compared to those of key competitors in terms of messaging, keyword targeting, and ad placements.

2. Keyword Optimization

  • Keyword Pruning: Low-performing and irrelevant keywords were identified and removed from the campaigns. This reduced wasted spend and allowed the focus to shift to higher-performing keywords.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Emphasis was placed on long-tail keywords that had lower competition but higher intent, leading to more qualified traffic and better conversion rates.
  • Negative Keywords: A robust negative keyword list was implemented to prevent the ads from showing for irrelevant searches, further improving the quality of traffic.

3. Ad Copy Revamp

  • New Creative Approach: New ad creatives were developed to address ad fatigue, focusing on highlighting the unique selling points of, such as eco-friendly products, certified professionals, and flexible scheduling.
  • A/B Testing: The team conducted A/B testing on ad copy variations to determine which messaging resonated most with the target audience. Key elements tested included headlines, descriptions, and call-to-action (CTA) phrases.
  • Responsive Search Ads: The introduction of responsive search ads allowed for dynamic adjustments to ad content based on user searches, improving relevance and engagement.

4. Bid Strategy Optimization

  • Smart Bidding: The team implemented smart bidding strategies, such as Target ROAS, which automatically adjusted bids to maximize return based on real-time data and machine learning.
  • Dayparting: Analysis of user behavior led to the implementation of dayparting, which adjusted bids based on the time of day and day of the week when conversions were most likely to occur.
  • Geotargeting: Ads were further refined to focus on geographic areas with the highest conversion rates, ensuring that ad spend was concentrated where it was most effective.

5. Landing Page Optimization

  • Relevance and UX: Landing pages were reviewed and optimized to ensure they aligned closely with ad content, improving both Quality Scores and conversion rates. Improvements included clearer CTAs, streamlined forms, and faster load times.
  • Conversion Tracking: Enhanced conversion tracking was set up to accurately measure the performance of each landing page and provide insights for further optimization.


  • ROAS Improvement: The Google Ads campaign optimization led to a 21% increase in ROAS, significantly improving the profitability of's advertising efforts.
  • Lower CPA: The refined keyword targeting and bidding strategies contributed to a 15% reduction in CPA, allowing the company to acquire customers more cost-effectively.
  • Increased CTR: The updated ad creatives and keyword strategies resulted in a 12% increase in CTR, driving more qualified traffic to the website.
  • Higher Conversion Rate: Landing page optimizations led to a 10% increase in conversion rates, turning more visitors into paying customers.

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